me SuHui ♥ 2 Nov 1987 iHeart Peoples AndyStorm Esther Isaac Jayden Peggy Randy TypicalBen Xiaxue Chu Xuan Derrick Ho Anthony BeeLye Centaurroy Cheryl Christopher Damien Dawn Eunice Frank Gladys HuiLing HuiSian Jaclyn Jane Jasmine Jeffery JiaLi JiaWen KaiTing Karen Karine Kat'CaiYun KimChiBaby Meilee Minie Priscilla Sherly ShuLing Ting WaiSee YanLing YinQi Yvonne Tagboard zomg MORE PPL Designer: %pink-blackღ Basecode: x--tranquillamente YVONNE Image Host: photobucket Editor: candywizard Memories December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 December 2006 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 |
♥'Thursday, January 31, 2008 omg.. im soo hyper tonight.. should i go for soompi sg meetup.? and i saw SUPER JUNIOR DONT DON ALBUM AT PARCO'S SEMBAWANG..!! its selling at $19.90.. and its the last one on the shelf.. kibum random cover..!! heeee... im siao cha bor.!! ♥'Saturday, January 26, 2008 wat a busy week i have... rushing out projects reports...!!!! dont even have time to pack my table.. my table is like a mountain.. LOl.. keep stacking things up... yesterday when to ger hse to do citect report and rajani's project.. argh.. next week have om test.. no time to rest at all lah.! sianz..!~ lazy to type so much oso..!~ shall end here..!! random.. should i go for the soompi meetup? i finish watching taste of love monday episode.. nice nice..!! after case study presentation.. ![]() ![]() ![]()
i lvoe my frens~..!! ♥'Wednesday, January 23, 2008 CITECT SUCKS TO THE MAX..!!!!
♥'Tuesday, January 22, 2008 my mum forgot to tell me that today our unit will be changing the water pipes so there wont be water supply from 9am to 5pm.. actually its 6pm.. i woke up and start to brush my teeth, then when i was about to rinse my mouth, THERE"S NO WATER.!! omg.. first thing that came to my mind was.. HOW AM I GOING TO SHOWER..!!!! i use my drinking water to rinse my mouth, then i called ger to say that im not going to school already.. luckily there's no presentation today.. shit can.~ 3 presentations and one mock interview within one week... can dies..! all projects not done.. think i better go shower first... water is backed..... random... im now learning how to type korean.. hahahha.. okay i know im slow..! i feeell soooooo blessed with some good friends beside me... asking me if im alright and listen to all my troubles... =)..... ♥'Friday, January 18, 2008 I think my eye sight is getting worst.. shit.. i used to have perfect eye sight can... LOl.. who doesnt.. haiz.. i really need someone to talk to seriously... haiz.. my family is in such a mess lah.. alot of problems.. i really dunno why my sister become like this now.. chinese new year = not happy.. the moment i step into the house today, my mum starts to saysaysay nagnagnag... i really wish i could listen to her.. but im so stressing over projects now... 3 presentations and 1 mock interview next week.. and new year cant even enjoy myself loh.. have to bring books and notes to study.. im going over to malaysia on cny.. shall miss me okay people.. haha.. im soo jasmine... LOl..! sometimes i really feel that life is so meaningless... friends, family, school.. everywhere also so stress.. haiz.. the only time im feel so happy is when i can crap with the 2s.~ i really really really glad that in my life, i've know you.! 2s = ger and jas... i dunno how to continue my blogging.. shall end here..~ oh one more thing.. i miss my girls as well.. gladys dawn shuling geraldine and jasmine.. i miss the old time.. haiz.~ random.. jasmine said yunho is handsome.. ahaha.~ oh.. thanks pohsiong for ur mobtv account.. heee.~ ♥'Wednesday, January 16, 2008 OH YES..~ MY INTERNET IS BACK.~ WEEEEE.~~ lots of things to do.. heee.. downloading EHB ep 10 now.. i cant wait to watch it lah.. i waited like 3 days alr.. cos my internet was down since last friday.. its really like HELL..~~ no internet sucks... and also alot of projects to rush.. haiz..~ just finish comm skills test today.. i wanna go super show..~ man...
♥'Wednesday, January 09, 2008 hahahaha... super girly sia...
♥'Sunday, January 06, 2008 Dinner with geraldine, jasmine, dawn and gladys last friday.. had pepper lunch at last.. after changing dining place so many times.. gladys as usual got SOOO many things to say and complain.. hahaha.~ after we finish our dinner, shuling came to find us.. with jeremy.. it's already their 6month together.. time really flies... just had a quarrel with my mum.. haiz... anyway watch LIVE ehb just now.. it's a dbsk special.. omg.. eunhyuk is soo funny in this episode.. hahahhaha..!! love xiah sia..!! he's soo cute..!! so few of jaejoong and only a few secs of sungmin only.. haiz.. and next ep seems so funny.. eating spicy chilli..... LOl.. just read soompi, and someone said her fren saw super junior news on channel u.. like omg..?? and i missed it.. haiz... so sad.. hope they will show them again.. some zi lians before going to school.. ![]() jasmine went to meet bf after dinner.. so photos without her..~ |